Have you signed up for the COLOR-A-THON?
The PTSA fall fundraiser –the COLOR–A–THON— is underway. This is going to be a really fun community-building event that will not only raise money for our school but will provide a healthy opportunity for our students & faculty.
This year, we, the PTSA, are not asking you to buy any catalog trinkets or candy. Instead, we are just asking you to help us create a really fun, healthy event for your student while raising money to support school programs.
We encourage you to register online by simply following the instructions on the student envelope or follow this link to our event page http://shop.schoolathon.org/184213. Our group ID is 160108.
If you have questions: Visit the PTSA booth at the Fall Festival and we’ll be happy to help you get registered and tell you all about this great fundraiser or email us at shermanoakscesptsa@gmail.com
Do you want to help coordinate this event or volunteer on the day of our color run? if your answer is YES, then please contact Cybele at ShermanOaksCESPTSA@gmail.com.
Do you have questions about the powder and how these events are run? Get your answers here: http://schoolathon.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/ColorDust_Health_Safety-Data.pdf