Dear SOCES organization members and leaders,
On Sunday, September 27th from 11am-4pm, we will be holding the 3rd annual Sherman Oaks CES Fall Festival. It is a fun community event, open to all SOCES students, their friends and families. Every student will receive 3 free tickets by showing their student ID at the ticket booth, ensuring that all students will be able to participate, and this year BOOSTER will be covering that expense.
Your club/team/organization is invited to have a game, craft or food booth. Paid tickets will be sold through booster club and for each ticket your club receives, you will get at least $.80 in your club account. We encourage every organization to participate as it will not only bring in money for you, but it will also build a sense of community here at SOCES.
If your organization will be handing out prize tickets, then please let us know and we will supply you with tickets that can be redeemed at the leadership run prize booth. $.10 per ticket will be reimbursed to the prize booth for buying and providing event prizes.
In order to participate, YOU MUST fill out, sign, and turn in the form below by Friday, September 11th, to the Booster Club Mailbox in the main office. YOUR ORGANIZATION HAS FIRST DIBS ON YOUR LAST YEAR’S BOOTH IDEA. AFTER 9/11 at 3pm you could lose your last years booth option! Additional booth requests will be accepted on a first come, first served basis so get your form in ASAP. If your organization needs ideas, please email the parent co-chair Debra Lewin at
On the day of the event set up will begin at 9am and breakdown from 4-5pm.
You will need to provide everything that you require (except signage), including the table.
Get More Information Below
Club Booth Sign-up form : SOCES booth sign up for clubs
Club Sponsorship Opportunities Information : Fall Festival Event-Sponsorship-FINAL